Seek Refuge Productions

Seek Refuge Productions
Elma Begovic

Artist: Megan Schreiber Designs

Elma Begovic is a Los Angeles based independent filmmaker

The amalgamation of my personal world and movies came around age 8, when I watched Bridges of Madison County for the first time. I was a refugee in east Berlin, calling a repurposed dorm room my temporary home, and Meryl and Clint were dubbed in German. At such a turbulent time, one encompassed in grief and a whole lot of trauma bonding with my family, movies offered the ultimate escape - and in later years, inspiration to pursue a career in the industry.

I started acting as soon as my family found fair footing in a new country and I finessed the English language. My first credits are in horror, a genre I uncovered as a teenager, while working at a movie theatre in northeast Edmonton. I saw The Omen on my 16th birthday, which fell on 6/6/6, and a natural progression toward genre films ensued.

In 2017, I moved from Toronto to LA, where I’ve been living that ‘alien of extraordinary ability’ life [iykyk]. I pivoted toward writing and producing my own work as a way to weave themes of migration and identity, religious exploration, and the womxn immigrant experience into the industry’s tapestry. I started SRP to become a better storyteller and grow my creative community. Building a story from inception to screening is an unmatched experience, like syzygy in space. I am reminded of that well misquoted line from Field of Dreams (another movie I first saw dubbed in Deutsch), ‘if you build it, they will come’. This site hosts work I have written and produced - independently, with collaborators, and via grants.

[tl;dr] I love movies, love making them too. Reach out if you’re into that as well.

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